06 Jul

The Invisible Library book series has been spectacular. I just can't get enough and when I have to stop reading I'm constantly thinking about the books. Genevieve Cogman is definitely on my list of top ten authors. I finished reading The Masked City in three days and all during Independence Day I was sad because the library was closed and I couldn't get the third book, The Burning Page. There ended up not being a copy at our library on Tuesday so we went to another library in town to find it. I made sure to get both the third and fourth book this time so I won't have to be sad when I finish this next one, possibly right before the weekend. This is a great series and I would highly recommend it to anyone. I hope that the author plans on writing more than just The Invisible Library series because I would gladly read anything she'd write. 

In the interim of waiting for the library to be open, I started the book Unseen Academicals by Terry Pratchett. I really enjoyed his book, Going Postal and was happy to read this one as well. I think Pratchett has the perfect amount of witty humor in his books that makes what would seem rather silly become interesting and funny. I don't love Unseen Academicals as much as Going Postal but it has still been a very good read. I think this book would be particularly funny for someone who enjoys sports. 

I got a few videogames for my birthday a while back and so I've been hurrying through Final Fantasy X and Nobody Saves the World to play them. I think I'm incredibly close to being done with FFX. It has been a great game and I've been surprised at how it hits on some pretty serious topics. Nobody Saves the World has continued to be a delight. My husband and I recently unlocked our final form which felt satisfying and was exciting. 

What's a book series you've had a hard time putting down? Do you read book series books one after another or do you prefer reading other books in between? What's the next game you plan on playing?

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