Guardious is an influential country on the continent of Daronfel. The leaders are dragons of varying endowments (abilities), who rule in their respective territories over both dragons of the same endowment and humans. In Guardious, humans are considered sentient and equal in most ways, causing slavery to be strictly prohibited. The country is home to the secret human liberating organization, The Phantoms, the Guardian Freedom District, and Daronfel's first air force.
Neighboring Guardious, to the north, is the country of Maldia. There are major and minor dragons for each endowment present in Maldia. Major dragons rule over the minor dragons and humans in their respective territories. According to divine law dragons are to rule over humans in the after life, and so it is considered the right of major dragons to have human slaves during mortality. A council which represents each territory governs Maldia, the four ruling dragons being the lords of the Ice, Metal, Thunder, and Wind territories.
The story of Daronfel is heavily influenced by the interactions and conflicts between Maldia and Guardious.