15 Oct

I'm about half way done with Boar Island a novel by Nevada Barr. The characterization for this book has been great so far. Whenever there's dialogue I feel as if I could name who was speaking without being told. It's great because there are a lot of characters and they're impressively distinct. Something else I've loved about the book is the wide variety of female characters. The cast is largely female and they're all so different, not falling heavily into tropes female characters tend to fall into. That has been refreshing.

I had no idea it was the nineteenth book in this mystery series until about two minute ago. Knowing that does help explain why there is just so much craziness happening. It was a little jarring at first when there was this laundry list of terrible things riddled in the plot and character backgrounds being thrown at me. It's great when bad things happen in books because characters must react and they can sadly be relatable to the real world, but this felt like way too much. Now that I know it's the nineteenth book in a series though, I realize that this laundry list would have been more gradually introduced to a reader. 

I am very excited for tonight. I was recently gifted Middle Earth: Shadows of Mordor and have wanted to play it for a very long time. For the last couple of days I've been gradually trying to figure out how to get it to work with a Nintendo Switch remote but now believe I have it figured out. That means I'm going to take a break from playing Monster Hunter Rise in order to save Middle Earth. It's all very thrilling. 

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