19 Aug

This week's reading had me feeling all over the place emotionally. I read The Lost Queen by Signe Pike and was amazed by how well written it was. Pike did her research and it shows by how real and believable everything feels. 

The writing too was simply astounding. I have never felt so emotionally thrashed by a book. There were times I just ached for the protagonist and I spent a good half hour weeping over something that happened in the book. There were a few days I felt so anxious over things that were happening that I had to limit my reading time but the story and writing were so good I always picked it up again. I'm deeply impressed and was happy to learn the book is the first in a trilogy. 

This book was recommended to me by a friend and I'm grateful she not only told me about it but let me borrow it. I've read only a few historical fictions in my life time. In all honesty, the only ones I can think of were those that were required in school. After reading this book, I think I might try to read the book Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. My friend that recommended The Lost Queen to me mentioned that it was similar.

This week, I've had a lot of fun continuing to play Monster Hunter Rise. My brother has been eternally kind and shown me the ropes and been patient while I complain about not having the ability to make layered armor yet. I really love the Pukei Pukei stuff. He's also patient every time I fawn over my adorable puppy and spend more time choosing armor for them than for myself. 

Thank you for reading my blog. What are some interesting historical fictions that you've read? What do you think the coolest time period would be for a book setting? What are your favorite armor sets in Monster Hunter Rise? 

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