29 Sep

Out of all the months, September is the one I literally forget about. I'm not sure why but I think a big part of it has to do with school starting in August and then being excited about Halloween. It makes remembering the month in between those two events difficult. I'm actually not a huge fan at all of scary movies but I love reading scary stories and (watching) scary video games. This season, I want to be consistently reading scary stories to really celebrate the holiday.

Saying that, I know the book I'm about to say isn't exceptionally scary but hey, it's still September, I can ease into it. I started reading They Do It With Mirrors by Agatha Christie. It has been a gun read so far. Some of the themes are a bit outdated and it's hard for me to tell if something is meant as characterization for Miss Marple, a point trying to be made, or sarcastically making the opposite point. Having an English degree is amazing but I've noticed reading American short stories has made me read all authors as being more cynical than most probably are. 

There's a reason Agatha Christie was and still is so popular. She's excellent at telling a clever story that's fair but keeps the audience guessing. In college I took a Detective Fiction class which helped me gain a big appreciation for the genre and for the authors that can tell such wonderful stories while exploring serious themes. Crime, especially murder, is serious and so it's inevitable that themes on human nature will be explored. I'm excited to see what happens in this book. 

Today I was excited to see that the Nintendo Switch is getting the Skyrim Anniversary game. Skyrim is one of my top favorite games as I'm sure it is with many. It will be fun going back to Skyrim to explore more with new content. 

My husband and I finally beat the wonderful game Nobody Saves the World. It took longer than it should have because we both got busy at different times and used our free time together to watch Great British Baking Show instead. Now that we've beaten that game, and I recently beat Scribblenauts, I'm going to move onto a charming looking indie game called Indivisible. I know next to nothing about it but am super excited nonetheless. I'll report more about it next week. 

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