20 Sep

With the book I'm currently writing, I've run into a bit of a problem. There are so many characters. I've known this could be a problem but now I'm desperately trying to think of how other authors I've read manage this many characters. There are books with lists of characters at the front I've read and others that will give characters incredibly defining traits to set them apart. The book is high fantasy so there's bound to be a lot of named individuals but I think I'll spend some time researching this in more detail. 

I've finished about the the first third of the story yesterday and am excited about how it's turning out. There were two time skips in the book, the first one four years and the second one five. I was nervous about how to transition into and out of those but feel like it reads rather smoothly. I'm sure I may think differently when I go back and read through the first draft. 

Fall is in the air. Officially, it doesn't start for another two days, but I'm incredibly excited. Fall is my favorite season. There's hot chocolate, cooler weather, and good memories. I don't know why, but there's something about fall that just makes me want to write more than usual. It helps that NaNoWriMo is coming up and that's always a joy to participate in. 

What are some of your fall plans? Is there a time of year you enjoy reading or writing more?

Thank you for reading my article. Keep dreaming and daydreaming of all the beautiful worlds in your head. 

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