08 Apr

Heart of Ice I have started querying out Heart of Ice again. I'm pretty excited about it. The Friends of the Boise Public Library had a big book sale today which was amazing. I really wish I had grown up in a place that had such a spectacular book sale. I went through the books hoping to find a new author that looked to write books similar to Heart of Ice and left with 26 books for under 20 dollars. It was great and I have so many fun books to read now. I really wish there was more time in the day to get through all the books I want to read. 

I was amazed while looking through the books about how many fantasy authors have just written book after book of epic fantasy. It's my dream to do that. 

Other Books

I've been editing my Isle of the Forsaken Gods book. It has been super fun. During this round of editing I'm trying to iron out any plot holes and doing a lot of the big content editing stuff. During this round I also hope to cut unnecessary content. The book is within where a debut fantasy novel should be but almost a little too long.

 During this round I'm also deciding where chapters should go. When I was younger, I would write a book and place a chapter every X amount of words. I have since changed it to writing out the whole novel and then placing the chapters within afterwards. I enjoy this way more because I feel my chapters have more natural stops and beginnings rather than forced ones because I hit X amount of words and need to finish up. 

How do you decide where to place new chapters? Does your community have any fun book sales or ways to promote reading? How do you first tackle the editing process? Thank you for reading my blog. Keep dreaming and daydreaming of all the beautiful worlds in your head.

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