27 Apr

This last week was a bit difficult when it came to reading. I haven't been feeling very well which used to mean I would have a lot of time to read but with a baby that's a bit harder. When he's down I'm trying to catch up on the things I didn't feel well enough to do when he was awake. However, I am reading two amazing books right now and I'll try to do them as much justice as I can. 

First, I'm continuing to read the book Lent. If you read my last post and you've read Lent it's obvious just how wrong I was about what was going to happen next. Wow, there was a huge twist in the book that left me thoroughly surprised. I would definitely suggest this book. Jo Walton is a tremendous author who I feel catches a believable feeling for the time the book takes place and crafted amazing and complicated characters. 

The other book I'm reading is Water Dancer by Ta-Nehisi Coates. This is another great book. I've only just started it but the emotions behind it are raw and wonderful. It describes unthinkably terrible realities that feel they could never be real but sadly were. The book is about a young, intelligent man who's a slave in Virginia.  I'm thoroughly impressed by how so many complicated subjects are being brought to light with the main character's internal dialogue along with showing the frank injustice of certain events. Again, I'm not terribly far along in the book yet but I'm excited to see where it goes. 

I'm still playing Final Fantasy X and recently I've been jumping a lot on Animal Crossing. Animal Crossing is one of those games I played religiously for months and months when it came out. The thing that made me stop playing it was when I gave birth to our son and it was just harder to get on. Since then, I've still gone back to it multiple times. It's a great game and is good when you just want to relax and have a good time. The DLC was wonderful for me because my favorite part about the game was home design and that's what the DLC was focused around. It makes me happy and I spend way too long deciding which pieces of furniture should go where. 

What are some books that had surprising plot twits that you read? Are there any games or books that you just keep going back to? Are you a fan of games that are made to give you a chill time? 

Thank you for reading my blog. Keep dreaming and daydreaming of all the wonderful worlds in your head.

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