09 Aug

This last week has been difficult. Our poor toddler was pretty sick and at the same time was teething something fierce. It was a hard time. I was able to get editing done while he was asleep, working while he was napping and down for the night. I've gone through all the suggestions given to me and made a lot of good changes. Currently, I'm reading through the manuscript again and making further edits, focusing once more on the big picture. After this, I'll read through the manuscript once more and focus on copy editing. 

Here's a quick update on what I've been writing. As mentioned last week, I made it to the beginning of the climax. I've made some last minute decisions on how I want the book to go and I think they're working out much better than my original plan. I'm excited to see how everything will go. 

In this book, I use the POV of two characters for the majority of the book. I was worried, however, because I did have one character who I randomly went into his perspective because it felt right and I decided it would add much more to the story in his perspective. Doing this worried me but recently I read a book where the author did the same thing and it confirmed to me that it does work in books and it made the reading more interesting and enjoyable. It put my mind at ease and was a good reminder that I need to be more willing to break the real and false barriers that may be inhibiting my writing from standing out. 

Thank you for reading this article. What are some interesting perspectives you've read in books? What are some new perspectives you'd like to read in?

Keep dreaming and day dreaming of all the beautiful worlds in your head. 

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