30 Nov

This month has been rather crazy and so I apologize for the lack of update. There was a lot of holiday madness, NaNoWriMo on top of my regular writing and editing, and a bit of an unforeseen medical emergency. Things are going back to normal now and so you can expect the regular weekly update. Also, you can expect a weekly update in my "Currently Reading and Playing" section of my website. If you want to see what books I'm reading and the video games I'm playing, feel free to hop over there. I've read some great stuff this year and am always looking for recommendations as well. 

I finished NaNoWriMo on the 25th. It was fun this year. I got to delve into the background of two characters that are in the current book that I'm writing. It was great fleshing them out more and I think it will help give them some more personality in the main book. It has also given me new ideas for the series that I hope to write and helped flesh out the world a little more. Throughout NaNoWriMo I was also staying on top of editing the book I had sitting for around six months. I'm happy with how it's turning out and am diligently getting it ready for my husband to read and edit when he has time off from school in December. 

Another big update is how I've been continuing to query out to literary agents. It's been a good experience. I'm always grateful to hear feedback but also totally understanding if that's not possible. I've always wondered in query letters if you should have a brief introduction or just start right off with the book summary. I've read that both ways are okay and I prefer starting out with the summary. At the same time, I'm not sure if that seems unprofessional or if it's totally professional. Do you have any opinions on that for queries?

Thank you for reading this article. Keep dreaming and day dreaming of the wonderful worlds in you head. 

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