29 Apr

I've hit the point in the book I'm writing where I'm trying to puzzle through if my main characters and minor characters are getting enough time in the spotlight. In this book in particular there are various characters I want to be involved in the last few scenes of the book. I'm trying to think of books I've read recently where there are multiple main characters, including multiple characters with the story in their perspective, and how the authors have handled those last few pivotal moments. It's an important question because this will show how everyone has grown and what certain actions and behaviors have certain characters to. 

 I feel like I have all of the characters set up in the correct places but now I need to decide whose perspective I should be in and which parts need to be explored more than others. It's a fun thing to explore but it's also intimidating considering it can radically change the feelings conveyed in the story and possibly a direction I finally decide to go down. I have everything planned out but if I feel certain characters deserve different endings, or a different ending would be better, I'm all for changing those plans. 

As I'm coming to the end of this book, I've started trying to decide which book I should work on next. I have a giant list of plot ideas and have narrowed it down to three books I'd like to write. All three of the books take place primarily in Maldia but two of the three plots will focus on Guardian main characters. This is always a really exciting time as I get to start putting my whole heart into a new project. 

On the revision front, I'm doing the wonderful part of editing where I'm going through a list of words and phrases I noticed were repeated often. There are also certain characters or groups I want to rename and I'm making those changes. I'm always surprised by what words I tend to repeat. There are some that I've seen on lists of other books I've created and others that are new. I'm hoping to make those revisions by the end of next week and start reading through the book again. 

Thank you for reading my blog. What are your favorite types of conclusions in books? What are some books you've read recently that have multiple character perspectives? What are words or phrases that you repeat a lot in your writing? 

Keep dreaming and daydreaming of the wonderful worlds in your head. 

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