04 Nov

November is finally here. I'm ecstatic for another year of National Novel Writing Month. How many of you are participating in NaNoWriMo? Let me know what kind of things you're writing in the comments. This month I'll be writing a prequel for the book that I'm working on right now. I thought it would be a fun idea because then I would know some of the characters even better and be able to write them in a more interesting way. It has been really fun. NaNoWriMo is something I've done such my first year of high school and has been a great way to get ideas out and connect with other writers. 

On the first of November, I also started editing a new book. It has been sitting for more than six months now that I've touched it which greatly helped me feel less attached to it. The story itself was fun to write and I feel like the characters in the novel are some of the most interesting I've written. It takes place in Daronfel in both Guardious and Maldia and is focused on dragon pirates.

I finished the initial reading of the first draft and will start rereading it again today but this time making major content edits. There are a few inconsistencies I noticed and a good plot hole or two that will need to be fixed. I am happy because I was worried about a particular part in the novel but while reading it felt congruous with the rest of the story. 

How has your writing been going? Have you ever participated in National Novel Writing Month? What books would you recommend that are winter themed? 

Keep dreaming and day dreaming of all the beautiful worlds in your head. 

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