28 May

This has been a genuinely fun week of writing. I'm enjoying the characters in my latest book and it's been fun  being able to focus on a new book and new characters. I loved writing my last manuscript as well but it's always fun jumping into a new story. 

Today, I hit a point in the book where there was a large time skip. I realized when I got to the point that I hadn't really had time skips in other books I've written, at least not any this drastic. I've of course read plenty of books with time skips so hopefully some of those transitions have sunk in. The transition was the hard part. I wasn't sure if I should simply move on in the story or if I should have something to tie the gap of years together. I ended up going with a tie in but I'd love to hear how you all transition with time jumps. I honestly think it could go either way depending on the book and themes the author is wanting to convey. 

In other books I've written, including Heart of Ice, I've written time lapsing in the form of a quick description of days, weeks, and sometimes months. It feels common in High Fantasy novels to jump ahead or back X amount of time just because of the genre while other genres I could see that being more uncommon.  One of the hardest parts for me about writing high fantasy is knowing what to include in long journeys and when to just skip ahead or explain in little details. It's a fun puzzle to decipher all the same. 

I'm working hard on editing the book, Isle of the Forsaken Gods. The editing process for this one has been going slower, in part because I've been reading so much in the evenings. I'm desperately working to catch up on the reading challenge I knew about two months late and am so close to being there. While editing, I realized I used the word "just" more than should be humanly possible. I've been trudging along trying to delete or replace as many as I can and feels right. A lot of the time I'll use it as a filler word rather than providing emphasis or the many other ways "just" can be used. 

Thank you so much for reading my blog. Do you like or dislike time skips in books? Why? What's the most difficult thing for you to write in your preferred genre? Do you have any pet peeve words in books? 

Keep dreaming and daydreaming of the beautiful worlds inside of your head. 

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