26 Oct

There are a ton of edits and changes that need to be made after writing a book. For the book I am currently editing, Isle of the Forsaken Gods, I've made it to another stage. The reason why I didn't write an article last week is due to taking time to read through the book in just a few days to make sure I was able to without feeling the need to change a lot. This was in preparation to start querying out the book this week to literary agents. 

This doesn't mean that the editing of this book is done or course. I'm sure changes will be made and as more people read it I'll alter things to be enjoyed by a broader audience. Writing I feel like is made up of a series of finish lines and I do feel like I crossed one this last week. I've learned a lot about my writing through this book. I got to witness more of my pitfalls, plot holes, favorite words, favored phrases, and finish knowing that I am improving as an author. There are things that happen in this book that have inspired future books and worldbuilding for all of Daronfel. 

Not to sound too cliché, but writing has been cathartic. I can't imagine my life without it. There have been times in my life where I have clung to the stories coloring my imagination because they are what help me function and continue when I want to curl up and cry. I'm sure many of you have felt that as well when you write or read as well. 

While editing this book, I realized that editing has helped me substantially as well. It has helped me see my mistakes, laugh at them, cry about them, and feel frustrated over them, but it has also reminded me that I can fix them. I can change and create something that is better than when I started. I suppose that's the same about a lot of things in life and now I see the importance of being a little more forgiving of myself. 

Thank you for reading this article. Keep dreaming and daydreaming of all the wonderful worlds in your head. Sometimes its those worlds that help us through the real one. And remember to love and forgive yourself. Mistakes can be fixed. I support you all the way. 

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