04 Oct

Quite a few weeks ago I mentioned that I was on the cusp of finishing the editing for Isle of the Forsaken Gods and would start sending out query letters to literary agents. I did finish the final round of editing but as I was reading the story again I found myself still changing a lot. I decided that was a sign that I should do a few more rounds of editing. 

It was a discouraging but necessary decision. I'm excited to get my work out there but it's absolutely important that it's as good as I can make it. The story has been vastly improved, I've done a few more world building things like making names for different measurements... which was harder than I thought, and I've cut unneeded words and sentences. I'm doing more major edits currently and then will read through the book again. I want to get to the point that I can read through the book without feeling major edits are needed. 

Of course, I understand that even when a book is given to an agent or publisher more changes will be made but I want to be professional. I'm currently working hard on this manuscript though and do think I'll be sending it out by the end of the month. It's satisfying to make changes and hear the difference in the writing when I read it out loud. I've also been able to add, I hope, more intriguing parts of the world as I write other manuscripts and build the world that this book takes place in. This will hopefully make reading the book more enjoyable to read. 

Thank you for reading this article. What's your favorite part about world building? Who's an author that you think has made an incredible world for their books? 

Keep dreaming and daydreaming of all the wonderful worlds in your heads. 

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