10 Jul

This has been a fun week. I've finally started the copy editing process in my Isle of the Forsaken Gods book. It took me a while to get to this point because I wanted to be so careful in my last set of editing tasks but it's nice moving onto the next stage. I'm almost done reading through the manuscript again after making various content editing changes and I am liking the story a lot more. It's nice when you can see how much various rounds of editing is making a difference. I should be done with this round of editing in the next couple of days and then I'll be letting people read it now that it's feeling polished. 

It's always so exciting and nerve racking at the same time when people read your work. I'm excited for them to see all the hard work I've put into this manuscript, along with their suggestions in how it can be better. I'm nervous because I want them to have a good time and start doubting if it's polished enough. It's exhilarating, and it's exciting to know that soon I'll be able to start sending query letters out once I've made changes based off of beta reader opinions. 

Writing has been fun. I've hit a part in the book where I get to go deeper into the religion of Maldia. I often talk about Guardious's religion and so it's fun delving deeper into the culture of Maldia, especially through the lens of someone who is devout and accepting of others. 

What kind of cultures, real or imagined, do you enjoy reading or writing about? Do you have more fun content or copy editing? How many beta readers do you typically have before sending out a manuscript? 

Thank you for reading. Keep dreaming and daydreaming about all the wonderful worlds in your head.

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