30 Dec

I have now officially finished the first manuscript of the last book I was working on. It was a lot of fun to write and I feel like it was the story where I delved the most into the fantasy world I've created so far. Sometimes it's hard to know just how deep you should go. I don't want to make the book confusing but it should also be immersive. 

The manuscript I've started to write is focused on Guardious where the last one was focused on the neighboring country, Maldia. It has been so fun writing from the perspectives of other types of characters and exploring how they would act and what influences would make them think a different way. I've also been able to write more about humans in this book rather than dragons. While the last book had primarily dragon protagonists and antagonists, this one is so far an even split. 

At the same time, I've had some people beta reading a book that focuses on Maldian crime while the book I'm writing now focuses on Guardian crime. It's amazing all of the small and big parts that go into world building. A year ago I had thought I had covered everything a world has to offer but there is always much more. It's amazing to think of how complex our own world is and the the parts of our culture and lives that have shaped us into the individuals we are. 

What are some examples of books that do a lot of world building well? What are some elements to world building that you believe are vital to make an immersive world?

Thank you for reading this article. Keep dreaming and daydreaming of all the beautiful worlds in your head. 

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