22 Aug

Today was exciting because I finished the first draft of the latest manuscript I've been working on. It always is a strange mix of happiness and sadness when the first draft is completed. Yes, there will be much time devoted to the pages in the future, time that will be spent editing, cutting, and reworking until it's presentable to other people, but right now I'm just happy to have a tale that was floating around in my head told.

All of the books I like to write take place in the same world. It's a place that has been important to me since elementary school. It looks incredibly different than it once did, but there are names, places, cultures, and customs that have remained the same. The book I just finished writing was about a kingdom that has been a part of this world since merely the beginning. It was fun focusing on this setting and feeling the thrill of imagination from a long time ago.

This book took place primarily in the Metal Kingdom and is about forbidden soul mates who must stop the dragon lord of the Thunder Kingdom from destroying the centuries old Maldian Kingdoms Alliance. 

The next step in the editing process is to let the book sit for a few months before I start the editing process. Currently, I'm about to finish the editing process completely for my Isle of the Forsaken Gods book and will start to send query letters out to literary agents in the next month or so. My next big step will be to start the editing of my book about a dragon pirate captain, The Second Inheritance, and figure out which new story I would like to start writing tomorrow. I'm trying to choose between two different books, both of which I'm very excited about. 

Thank you as always for reading my blog. What idea do you think sounds more fun? A: A Language Dragon who runs the Guardian-Maldian fighting coliseum but finds accounting much more interesting or B: A human who was raised in the home of the dragon who killed her family? 

Keep dreaming and day dreaming of the wonderful worlds inside your head.

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